Let’s take a look at one of the most popular white granites on the market – River White Granite. It is quarried India in large quantities and is not commonly known by any other industry names. Its stunning white, grey and red tones make it a great choice for countertops in any type of kitchen. Let’s take a deeper look into what makes this stone so popular.
When viewed from afar this granite is a predominantly off white stone that has a grey tinge to it. Its appearance can look reasonably uniform in its color – or you may be able to make out the light grey mineral veins that this stone is famous for – it all depends on the specific slab.
When you get a little closer to the stone a whole range of patterns become visible. The bedrock of this granite is a very light grey in color – almost white. It is usually very even and will on average make up about 60% to 80% of a slabs overall surface area.
Littered throughout the stone are long winding veins of a grey mineral. This mineral can vary in color from a light grey (noticeably darker than the bedrock) through to a dark grey in color. However 9 times out of 10 it will usually be a soft medium grey in color. This grey mineral can make up anywhere between 20% and 40% of a slabs overall surface area and complements the grey / white bedrock beautifully.
What river white granite is most famous for is its stunning tiny red mineral deposits. They can make up around between 2% and 7% of a stones overall surface area – and they are truly magnificent. They are usually a red that is slightly lighter than burgundy – but can look a little brighter due to being set against the light greys and whites of the bedrock. They are usually no bigger than 4cm in diameter and on average are roughly 1cm to 2cm in diameter.
These little red dots look a lot like the red minerals that are present in Kashmir White granite – (which is a great alternative you should check out if you like River White).
There is a low amount of variation within different slabs of this granite. Which means any slab you end up getting will look reasonably similar to those you have seen while doing some research. The main factors that will vary are the amount of the red minerals that are present and the color of the grey minerals. The grey minerals can differ in their shade, but are usually always light. The red minerals will always be the same color – but some slabs can have a higher amount of them than others.
This granite does not look that different when used in rooms with different lighting conditions – and it will look great in rooms with and without much natural light. It is not known to stain easily and is a reasonably tough granite. Its light color means that it will not show up fingerprints excessively which means a minimal amount of additional cleaning will be required compared to other countertop materials.
How Much Does River White Granite Cost?
A 3cm thick slab of River white granite will cost around $45 to $55 per square foot. A 2cm thick slab will cost around $30 to $40 per square foot.
The stunning white tones of this granite can contrast and complement a whole wide range of colors.
When you combine River White countertops with white kitchen cabinets a beautiful and elegant feel to the room is created. The white cabinets will only be slightly brighter than the light bedrock of the countertops. They seamlessly blend in with the cabinets and are a great accentuation.
When combined with dark kitchen cabinets the effect is much less elegant and much starker. The strong contrast between the cabinets and the countertops ensures that your countertops will be the dominating feature of the room. A great way to create a luxurious and interesting kitchen.

However i think its a shame the owners of this kitchen did not invest in a river white splashback . The minimal additional cost (compared to the cost of the countertops) would have made a huge difference to the room.
As we previously mentioned Kashmir White granite is a great stone that looks very similar to this one – so we recommend you check it out. A few other similar stones that are also worth a look are Ivory Fantasy and Moon White granite.
Do you have any River white granite in your home? Do you have any questions? Leave a comment in the box below!