Ivory fantasy granite is a stone that is renowned for its creamy colors and pinkish tones. It is quarried in India and is not commonly known by any other names. It’s a prefect stone for countertops – lets learn a little more…
From afar ivory fantasy looks like a predominantly off white stone with a slight pink tinge to it. It does not look uniform from this distance and it is possible to see that there are darker minerals that make up the composition of this stone.
As you get a little bit closer it becomes very clear that there are a complex mixture of mineral deposits that make this stone have a very busy appearance.
The off-white reveals itself to be a gorgeous pink tone mainly, with patches of an ivory coloured white peeking through. The pink tone also varies in color, with some places being almost brown in appearance and others being a dark peach color.
There are darker mineral deposits too that are much less frequent in size and density. These can range from a grey to a very dark blue in color and create a very dramatic effect.
When you are standing right next to the stone you will be able to see that there also several tiny quartz crystals that reflect the light and add an overall light and airy appearance to this stone.
Ivory fantasy granite does not vary very much with light conditions, and is suitable for use in rooms both with and without a lot of natural light.
Due to the complex mineral compositions of this granite it is considered to have a medium amount of variation between different slabs. The size and density of the pink patches can vary quite significantly.
You will also find some slabs that have a large amount of the dark grey / blue mineral and some that have nearly none. Needless to say these dark minerals can really change the overall appearance of the slab – many people choose ivory fantasy granite for its soft and inviting appearance. Too much grey can certainly make your countertops have a very different feel to them.
How Much Does Ivory Fantasy Granite Cost?
This stone is a low end granite – despite its awesome beauty. You can expect for pay between $20 and $30 per square foot for a 3cm thick slab of ivory fantasy granite.
Regardless of the décor of the kitchen this granite is placed in – its overall effect is almost always the same. Very regal.
Its complex patterns provide a busy elegance to a room’s decor and certainly becomes the centre of attention of the room. Due its patterns it is usually recommended that you do not use this granite for countertops in rooms that have other heavily patterned features (we are mainly talking about decorative wallpapers here)
When combined with white or cream cabinets ivory fantasy granite is at its most understated. The natural tones of the stone complement the light and bright cabinets perfectly. And the countertops seamlessly blend in with the cabinets. It creates a very elegant and calming feel to the room – perfect for when you are doing the dishes!
Combining ivory fantasy with light or unstained wood cabinets creates a very natural feel to the room. The darker patches of the pink and browns in the stone are brought out by the cabinets. It feels very homely and incredibly classy.
When combined with dark kitchen cabinets this stone is at its most visible. The contrast between the dark cabinets and the light countertops make them really pop. The dark minerals in ivory fantasy are your best friend here, as they tie the cabinets and the countertops together. So despite being contrasting colors, they look very much at home in a dark kitchen. And while this is the most contemporary look for ivory fantasy – it still looks very natural.
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