Imperial white granite is a stone that is renowned for its beauty – despite its name, it is actually often more grey than white. It is quarried in several quarries throughout India and is not commonly known by any other industry names.
The predominant color of this stone is a white which can range in color from brilliant white all the way to an almost grey color. This white bedrock is intertwined with grey minerals which make up between 20% and 30% of this stones mass. The grey minerals are usually very uniform in color and are mainly quite a light shade of grey.

This slab of imperial white granite is certainly more grey than white – which is quite a nice effect
Speckled over this beautiful combination of white stone and grey minerals, is a black mineral. It is only usually found in isolated spots and really adds some interest and depth when the stone is viewed up close. These black minerals are nearly invisible from a distance – which means imperial white granite looks very white and grey from afar – some have even commented that it can look a little bland.
Occasionally you will also found slight patches of a light brown or cream within the stone – while it does not have as much of this mineral as something like Kashmir white – it is certainly present.

While i do not particularly like the design of this sink. The grey and white of imperial white certainly blends well with the silver of the faucets and sink
This type of granite has a medium level of variation. The main variance will be the density of the grey veins that make up a vast amount of this stone. They can be barely visible creating a very clean and white look – or they can be overpowering and actually make the granite look much more grey than white.
These are obviously the two extremes – which can both look awesome if that is the effect you are looking for. However the majority of the slabs quarried will be in a happy middle ground between the two extremes of variation.

I really like the way the electric hobs are flush to the granite here – it makes for a very uncluttered look
On very rare occasions the black mineral in the stone can actually form into veins – while it can certainly add interest to the slab – many people choose imperial white granite for its impeccable clean and minimal appearance, so it is certainly something to watch out for.
How Much Does Imperial White Granite Cost?
Imperial white is a very cheap granite and a 3cm thick slab will cost you around $30 per square foot. A 2cm thick slab will cost around $20 per square foot.
The distinct clean white and grey color of imperial white granite is very striking. Its calm color combinations can add a feeling of peace and serenity to a room.
One thing that should be mentioned is that It is important to maintain any type of white granite more so than any other color – The real beauty of this stone lies in its lack of imperfections, and even the slightest stain or chip can ruin the entire illusion. Luckily like all other granites it is quite easy to get the top layer removed and have your stone looking like new when re-polished if you ever do have a little accident in the kitchen.
Due to its neutral color imperial white granite kitchen countertops can be used with a variety of different cabinet colors to stunning effect. There is really not any color you can go wrong with here – with the exception of some unusual and strong painted cabinet colors like bright red or blue.
If you keep it natural – this stone will do you proud and transform your kitchen into a peaceful place to feed the family.
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