Delicatus white granite is a stunning stone which is famous for is stunning white bedrock and dark patterns. It is quarried in Brazil and does not have any other common names.
From afar this stunning stone has an overall white appearance. Even from a distance it does not have a uniform appearance and its incredible mineral deposits are clearly visible.
Its only when you get closer to the slab that you are able to see the awesome details of this pristine granite.
The bedrock of this granite is a stunning icy white. It can vary a little in color, and while it is mainly pure white – there can be a slight blue tinge to it in places.
The white bedrock is intertwined with three main minerals. One of these is a dark black mineral which contrasts starkly and strongly against the bedrock. This mineral can make up anywhere between 30% and 60% of the granites surface area. While it is usually pure black in color, It can in places be a very deep blue.
Another one of the main minerals that is present in the stone is a light grey mineral. This mineral can be found in concentrated areas or it can be quite diluted. This means that it can range in color from a medium grey, through to a very light grey (so light that it actually only slightly darkens the bedrock). It on average can make up between 20% and 60% of the stones surface area.
The third main mineral that can be present is a creamy brown mineral. Not all slabs will have this mineral – but some can have loads of it! It is a light tan brown in color and can be found in long winding veins or isolated spots.
Like many other granites Delicatus white has an abundance of white quartz crystals. These can range in size from almost invisible, through to about 10cm in diameter. However the smaller crystals are the most common.
A very deep blue mineral is present too. Again not all slabs will have lots of this but the ones that do are super lucky – as it looks awesome! It is a metallic blue in color and will provide a stunning sense of luxury to the slab when the light glistens off of it.
There is said to be a medium amount of variation between different slabs of this granite. Some slabs can have large amounts of the black mineral deposits, some can have none. They can be in long winding veins, or in isolated patches. The white bedrock will always be a pristine white, but some slabs can look greyer overall if there is a large presence of the grey minerals. Like we always say – be sure to inspect your slab (preferably in person) before you buy!
Delicatus white is very resistant to staining despite being a light color, if you keep it clean and dry it should serve you well. Its light color and complex patterns also help to hide dirt and fingerprints.
This granite does not really differ all that much in rooms with different lighting conditions – and will look great in rooms with and without an abundance of natural light.
How Much Does Delicatus White Granite Cost?
For a 3cm thick slab of Delicatus white granite you can expect to pay between $45 and $55 per square foot. For a 2cm thick slab you will pay around $30 to $40 per square foot.
Just because we like the white and white combination does not mean that other types of kitchen décor are not just as good!
When combined with dark cabinets Delicatus white countertops will become the centrepiece of the room. They will pop and demand attention as they strongly contrast with the dark cabinets. The darker minerals will break up the contrast slightly – but the overall effect will still be very loud! This can be used to great effect if you decide to get a Delicatus white splashbacks when you get your countertops. There is something awesome about using this granite vertically with dark cabinets! Some food for thought…
If you like Delicatus be sure to check out Bianco Antico, White Ice, and Kashmir White Granite too!
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